Garden of Stone 2 – My Return To Tyrone Sunken Gardens

I already gave a brief idea in a previous post about what Tyrone Sunken Gardens is like so I’ll spare you other than to say – imagine a wheel, with a white stone as its center, then with spokes of paving stones going out to four points. At the north and south are gates, if you will, and at the two sides there are ‘place’ stones that indicate area. The circle was once kept up but is no being overrun by the grass and weeds – too many years of abuse from local teens I fear, but we’ll get to that. Outside of the circle, to the north (i say this as a direction of vision, not true north, it’s forward from where you come in at) you pass through the other ‘gate’ and there is another stone, and then outside the circle, in the trees, is an abandoned shed. The closest thing I can say the circle reminds me of is a holy place, or, as a friend I was with said, like the Pet Sematary of the film and novel.

Ah, but there is a feeling of unease here. The place itself is so strange that it’s hard not to feel ill at ease as it is just so unfamilar, but there too is a feeling that was manufactured here. This manufactured feeling is due, I’d wager to the foolish and short sighted people who have decided that this stone garden was the perfect place for rituals. In and of itself, I wouldn’t care but, the problem is that some of these were obviously ‘black’ rituals and as such who can say what residue is left over? And what trash. I have been there more than a few times to find left over candles, or other trash, making me wonder what the people who were there hoped to conjure and whether they really thought they’d ever control something if they had been able to summon it.

I hadn’t been to Tyrone in a few years but it was as I remembered it. It’s so sad, to me, that such a beautiful place is so neglected and forgotten. I don’t doubt that a day will soon come when it is gone, and a shame that will be. This is the garden of stone, revisited, three years since I’d been to it, and cataloged for memory’s sake.

While you’re here – check out my podcast about the Gardens and check out my fiction, maybe you’ll find something you dig.

Beyond the Sunken Gardens there is the cemetery. The cemetery is very nice but this too has a bit of creepiness to it, and for my money, it’s the life-sized religious statuary. Beautiful though these statues are, they show a strange sadness and darkness that seems a bit out of place here.

7 thoughts on “Garden of Stone 2 – My Return To Tyrone Sunken Gardens”

  1. Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I used a couple of your pictures in my blog and am linking it back to here. 🙂



  2. I just came across your page. Thank you for posting these. It has been far more than three years since I visited this garden. In the mid 70’s, we used to hike here and in the adjacent cemetery and woods. My uncle loved photographing the different things we would encounter. I remember mostly the sun dial from the gardens. Having first seen it at an early age (7 maybe?) it retains a sort of mystical aura in my memory. In the years since that first visit I have seen my Grandmother, Mother and Grandfather buried in Colwell Cemetery. You are right that many of the older statues are a bit eerie, yet those early visits left me knowing the peace a cemetery can possess. I’ve always loved walking through such places and imagining the life stories of those buried.

    I’ve lived in Georgia for 30 years now so thank you for letting me wander through the Sunken Gardens again.


    1. It really is a beautiful place. Been a couple years since I have been there. I know it’s been taken over by a lot of crummy people that don’t respect the area and trash it, which is a shame. I wish it could be taken over and managed by some group. It’s truly a treasure in that area.

      It’s a fascinating place and should be better known that it is. Shame that’s not the case.

      Thanks for stopping by the bloggy!


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