One of the really fun things I found in writing this book was that it allowed me to create a fictional book series from another time which had inspired the main character of A SHADOW ON THE VIOLETS. The book series focuses on an old farmer named Leery and his goat, named Lucifer, who helps… Continue reading Another SHADOW ON THE VIOLETS Tease

A Shadow On The Violets – paperback!

Hey there! I updated the paperback edition of the book to exclude the amazing pattern for the cover art. This drops the price down considerable and makes it a much more palatable price. If you still want the pattern, it's in the back of the hardcover book. I adore this book, and know you will… Continue reading A Shadow On The Violets – paperback!

A Shadow On The Violets – sample

A Shadow On the Violets is what is considered a 'cozy' mystery, in that there's no overt violence, no cursing, and no sexual situations, but there's still a whole lot of fun to be had. The book has death, intrigue, and a mystery to solve. While it's not similar to much anything else I have… Continue reading A Shadow On The Violets – sample

A Shadow On The Violets has arrived!

I am very excited to announce that my newest book A Shadow On The Violets has been released. This is very, very far removed from what I have been known to write and I am thrilled at how this turned out. In the idyllic halls of a forgotten retirement home the shadow of Death looms… Continue reading A Shadow On The Violets has arrived!

Coming Soon…A Shadow On the Violets

COVER REVEAL! I have been teasing this book for a bit now but it's time for it to come out, finally. Eventually. Soon! I wrote this book a couple of years ago at the behest of someone and thought I would challenge myself to write outside of my comfort zone and am thrilled with how… Continue reading Coming Soon…A Shadow On the Violets