Keep Getting Physical

I suppose if I were to declare a religion it’d be for physical media as that’s the subject I preach about most these days. It isn’t that social and political issues are less important, clearly, but that screaming into the void of the internet won’t do much to change those things.  Obviously.  WHEREAS I hope… Continue reading Keep Getting Physical

Airing it Out

There’s something about modern humans where we need constant validation. We need attention, and ‘love’, and an audience. It’s part of what we are as a species but it’s also learned behavior in our social media age. So many of us are giving partial attention to one another - always on our phones, scrolling, texting,… Continue reading Airing it Out

Do You Remember Falling In Love?

I tend to wonder anymore if we remember what it was like to fall in love with the things we love.  In our rush to have everything at our fingertips at all times I think that convenience has made us lazy in how we consume the things we get an itch to hear, read, or… Continue reading Do You Remember Falling In Love?

The Things You Love Will Carry You Away

           We are all a product of our time. The culture, the economy, the media, the school systems, the politics, and the society itself help to mold us. So many things influence who we are and who we become that the notion that we are ‘our own person’ seems a bit silly. Sure, we make… Continue reading The Things You Love Will Carry You Away