Airing it Out

There’s something about modern humans where we need constant validation. We need attention, and ‘love’, and an audience. It’s part of what we are as a species but it’s also learned behavior in our social media age. So many of us are giving partial attention to one another - always on our phones, scrolling, texting,… Continue reading Airing it Out

Keep Talking

Human communication is an ever evolving animal. It changes as we change and adapts to our needs and our new means of telling our tales. We are always telling our stories, whatever they may be. In words, in songs, in image, or in word. We need to relay how we feel, what we see, and… Continue reading Keep Talking

Self Check In

They say to check in with yourself to remain healthy, don’t they? To sort of do a self analysis and see where you are with things. See how you are. It makes sense because we all have a tendency to just power through things we maybe shouldn’t.  Oh, my foot hurts, eh, no big deal. … Continue reading Self Check In

Precipice – blog

            It’s strange when you stop to think about how tenuous so many of our friendships have become. We are connected, those people we know by memory, and those we just know by face, through our social networks and little else. We are connected through the spiderwebs of the digital world, sharing our photos, our… Continue reading Precipice – blog