Found a Case – poem

I found a case upon my step,  

It came from who knows where. 

I found a case upon my step, 

To open I do not dare. 

A line of red ran down its side. 

A pool formed underneath. 

Covered in crimson, this light blue case, 

Home to more than suits this space. 

I found a case upon my step in the middle of the night. 

It came with knock and giggle and I sprang awake with fright. 

At sleep’s door was I, about to fall

Into slumber would I go, a heeding of its call. 

Then the knock and laugh and I awake again in dark, 

The terror that alit in me from that distant little spark. 

I crept in gloom, my chest on fire, and made it to the door. 

And there it sat, upon my stoop, abandoned on my shore. 

Outside my window, below my light, there sat upon the ground,

The case I watch with growing dread and feel as if I’ll drown. 

The blood it spilled, so slowly out, and pooled down underneath

And I swear, I swear, oh lord I swear that near it are some teeth. 

It feels as if the sun won’t rise as I look upon the case. 

I stand here frozen in my home and oh, my heart does race. 

A gift unasked, a present unwanted, a case upon my step. 

A laugh in the dark of the foggy night and a fear and a horror I must accept. 

I wait and watch and wait some more,

And look out of my door. 

I wait to see if someone comes to retrieve that which they left, 

A pale blue case covered up in red that appears to have some heft. 

Oh lord, it seems I was wrong about what it was I heard. 

The sound it came not from afar but near, oh lord, what nightmare has occurred?

The laugh I caught just as I woke now comes again and near. 

The laugh it comes from in the case, and all I am is fear. 

Slowly, oh so slowly now, the case starts to unzip. 

God help me please, I cry aloud as I bite upon my lip. 

I look away then back again, unable to let go. 

I found a case upon my step, so very late at night. 

Its occupant reveals itself, its skin so ghastly white. 

And as it knocks upon my door, and waits to be let in

I only wonder whose blood it wears as its face splits to a grin.  


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