All Hail Halloween

Last night I got to take my daughter out for her first real-live Halloween. We had taken her to the houses of family her first two, and that was fun, but this time it was the real deal.  And she loved.  And we loved it.  It reminded me of why Halloween is so important culturally… Continue reading All Hail Halloween

Re-Built, This City- blog

            I mentioned it a bit ago on one of my podcasts how the city I live in and love, Flint, has some money coming its way. Some of that money is from the water crisis – though most of that SHOULD go to the people, but we’ll see – and then there’s money that… Continue reading Re-Built, This City- blog

Of Art And Public

There is a certain sort of madness that you need to suffer from (and give in to) to pursue art. You have to be willing to open yourself up, artistically and emotionally, to the world’s derision, judgment, and to the expertise of everyone who is a sudden expert on whatever it is you were trying… Continue reading Of Art And Public

The Death of Community Art

Few things are as heart wrenching as watching someone you love die but I can tell you that watching someTHING you love die can elicit similar pain and heartache. It is torture to watch something you worked on and poured your passion into as it dies, worse when you see it dying but can't stop… Continue reading The Death of Community Art