Growing Out of It

It’s weird, isn’t it, when people drop their hands to their hips and then lecture you on something you love and how you need to ‘grow up’ and let it go. Funny because the first thing I have to do is cock my head and say - OH?  And what makes you the person to… Continue reading Growing Out of It

Airing it Out

There’s something about modern humans where we need constant validation. We need attention, and ‘love’, and an audience. It’s part of what we are as a species but it’s also learned behavior in our social media age. So many of us are giving partial attention to one another - always on our phones, scrolling, texting,… Continue reading Airing it Out

The Right Person

It’s a bit of a fact that the older we get the more our bodies start to show the effects of the wear and tear. We start to see, and more importantly feel what our lives have wrought on our bodies. Those late nights in our teens, the partying in our twenties, the out late… Continue reading The Right Person

Knocking Off The Rust

          There’s a weird sort of gaze that the world gives my current home of Flint, Michigan. It’s not quite pity but it’s pity’s cousin. A sort of nodding look that says, oh, you’re from Flint. Ohhh. Yup. We’re the sadsacks of the country, it would seem. Our industry left. We got hit with a… Continue reading Knocking Off The Rust

The Lame Game

The Lame GameEr, I think I meant to make that the BLAME Game but, well, maybe lame works better.Truth?It does.This is an odd time in America and we are going through a VERY awkward period. Taking out my monocle and playing pocket Sociologist I can’t wonder if we’re still suffering the growing pains of righting… Continue reading The Lame Game