E-Books for E-Minds

If you've poked around in my Haunted Bookstore you'll have seen that I have a LOT of books. I write. A lot. It's hard to know if you are comfortable investing in an author you've never read before though, and I get it. AS SUCH, I dropped the prices on my e-books. Take a chance… Continue reading E-Books for E-Minds


One of the really fun things I found in writing this book was that it allowed me to create a fictional book series from another time which had inspired the main character of A SHADOW ON THE VIOLETS. The book series focuses on an old farmer named Leery and his goat, named Lucifer, who helps… Continue reading Another SHADOW ON THE VIOLETS Tease

A Shadow On The Violets – sample

A Shadow On the Violets is what is considered a 'cozy' mystery, in that there's no overt violence, no cursing, and no sexual situations, but there's still a whole lot of fun to be had. The book has death, intrigue, and a mystery to solve. While it's not similar to much anything else I have… Continue reading A Shadow On The Violets – sample

A Shadow On The Violets has arrived!

I am very excited to announce that my newest book A Shadow On The Violets has been released. This is very, very far removed from what I have been known to write and I am thrilled at how this turned out. In the idyllic halls of a forgotten retirement home the shadow of Death looms… Continue reading A Shadow On The Violets has arrived!

Coming Soon…A Shadow On the Violets

COVER REVEAL! I have been teasing this book for a bit now but it's time for it to come out, finally. Eventually. Soon! I wrote this book a couple of years ago at the behest of someone and thought I would challenge myself to write outside of my comfort zone and am thrilled with how… Continue reading Coming Soon…A Shadow On the Violets

A Mystery Is Afoot!

When I wrote my mystery novella a few years back I wrote it in a flurry, trying desperately to get it done before the end of the month so it would be done on time for the publisher. It had been a challenge, writing in a genre I didn't read, and certainly didn't write, but… Continue reading A Mystery Is Afoot!

The Mystery

There is something about childhood that, once lost, it changes how you see the rest of the world. We can call it magic, mystery, or anything else but it's that that in us that doesn't understand everything...and it's OK. As we get older want more control, we want more agency in our lives and as… Continue reading The Mystery