Pay Up

If you peruse my blog for any length of time you will quickly realize two things - I am not religious but I have respect for religion.  I think it’s an important distinction to make because too many atheists like to make a scene ranting about how evil religion is.  That’s not me.  Faith is… Continue reading Pay Up

The Faithful

As humans, faith is a necessary component of what keeps us going. Faith and hope serve as twin engines that push us through the most difficult times. Hope that things will get better and faith that they can be better. Whether it is faith in the goodness of humanity, in a higher power, in oneself,… Continue reading The Faithful

Pieces of Meat

We’re weird, as a culture.  Strange, I might offer as a better term.  Many of us pretend to be prudish, to clutch the pearls when we hear something ‘blue’, but the truth is that most of us like naughtiness.  We like the dirty stuff.  Why did porn really sink its roots into American culture when… Continue reading Pieces of Meat

Performance Art

There’s something obscenely performative about Republican outrage.  Something a bit theatrical, like a child’s tantrum, in how their ire is raised whenever something offends them.  The anti-cancel culture movement canceling everything that dares to disrupt their vision of the world.  Their narrow, sad, gated off vision.  I dunno of anything more childish than grown men… Continue reading Performance Art

Not That Hard

It’s hard to take our American culture seriously at times. Especially our moral outrage. I saw this in the 1980’s with music and the fear that the devil was influencing kids as they sat listening to music in their rooms. Then there was the fear of role playing games. The fear of video games. The… Continue reading Not That Hard

Lion and Lamb

It is all too easy to look at things you do not agree with, tenets you do not follow, and ideals you do not hold dear and to dismiss them. It has become commonplace to look at the things others hold dear and to scoff because you don’t hold the same things dear. It’s a… Continue reading Lion and Lamb

Enough Is Enough. 

I really have to ask this, knowing that there’s not an answer I will get, or that any of us will get that will make a lot of sense but why do we continue to let documents written by people who have been dead and gone for hundreds and even thousands of years rule us?… Continue reading Enough Is Enough. 

The Things You Love Will Carry You Away

           We are all a product of our time. The culture, the economy, the media, the school systems, the politics, and the society itself help to mold us. So many things influence who we are and who we become that the notion that we are ‘our own person’ seems a bit silly. Sure, we make… Continue reading The Things You Love Will Carry You Away