Wanna Read A Book?

Hey there, ya wanna help me out? With as many books as I have out in the world there just aren't many reviews of them out there. I am always trying to figure how to get the word out about what I do, and to get more eyes on my work and can never quite… Continue reading Wanna Read A Book?

Feast and Famine

I can’t say I ever read reviews for my books, what few there are.  I can’t stomach it.  I am sure it’s something I didn’t learn when I was younger, that ability to take criticism, digest it, soak up the nutrients and expel the rest. All I know is that I have always had a… Continue reading Feast and Famine

BLACK CAR novel sample

with the release of my newest book Black Car i wanted to offer another sample for those that may be interested. it's a dark thriller about love, loss, and looking too deeply into the dark. it's available on Amazon.com.    “And, and, and…” Hanna asked, poking him in the stomach as she did.   “And I LOVE… Continue reading BLACK CAR novel sample

Books For Everyone

When I started writing I was writing for myself, and while I still do that I have found over the years that I am writing things for everyone by writing for me, and as such, HEY, I am writing books for you. Over the years I stretched myself, letting myself not just be a 'horror… Continue reading Books For Everyone

A Shadow On The Violets – sample

A Shadow On the Violets is what is considered a 'cozy' mystery, in that there's no overt violence, no cursing, and no sexual situations, but there's still a whole lot of fun to be had. The book has death, intrigue, and a mystery to solve. While it's not similar to much anything else I have… Continue reading A Shadow On The Violets – sample

A Shadow On The Violets has arrived!

I am very excited to announce that my newest book A Shadow On The Violets has been released. This is very, very far removed from what I have been known to write and I am thrilled at how this turned out. In the idyllic halls of a forgotten retirement home the shadow of Death looms… Continue reading A Shadow On The Violets has arrived!

Coming Soon…A Shadow On the Violets

COVER REVEAL! I have been teasing this book for a bit now but it's time for it to come out, finally. Eventually. Soon! I wrote this book a couple of years ago at the behest of someone and thought I would challenge myself to write outside of my comfort zone and am thrilled with how… Continue reading Coming Soon…A Shadow On the Violets

Terror Unimaginable

Along with reviewing found footage and all the other fun stuff I do, I also write books. If you're in the mood for a late year chill, or an early winter thrill, look no further friend. I have just what the demon ordered... https://spookychris.com/haunted-bookstore/

Perfect For A Halloween Shiver

Click HERE to order! When I released ARE WE MONSTERS last year it was definitely timed to be a Halloween release because it was a book of monsters, both human and otherwise. As a fan of Halloween I love writing stories that are about or around Halloween, and while this book doesn't really delve into… Continue reading Perfect For A Halloween Shiver

Introducing – THIS IS A DOOR

I am so, so excited to introduce you to my newest book THIS IS A DOOR, my first book of photography. I have struggled for a lot of my life with the many things I love to do but don't feel like I am good enough to say that I really DO it. I love… Continue reading Introducing – THIS IS A DOOR

Buy! BUY! BYE!

With a new book out my mind turns to youthful thoughts like - how the heck do I promote and sell this darned thing? It's a concern I have with every book and now, with not really doing shows these days it makes it all the froggier. I have talked about this on here before,… Continue reading Buy! BUY! BYE!

Something New…Just In Time For Creep Season

I have a new book that's coming out in the next few days. Something completely different from what I have done before and something I am really excited about. This is my second release this year and I wanted to do something new and to challenge myself a little. This is definitely something I wanted… Continue reading Something New…Just In Time For Creep Season

FLASHBACK – Tattered Tents & Whispered Wishes

Click Image To Purchase! As I have mentioned before, the lightning bolt that created Tattered Tents… came to me at a county fair. I was working a second job briefly as a recruiter for a local community college and had set a tent up at the fair for the weekend. It was hot and windy… Continue reading FLASHBACK – Tattered Tents & Whispered Wishes