The Blog Of Doom


Three cheers for the trash.  Let’s celebrate the trash, shall we? The things that we love that others deride and hate.  The art, the music, the movies, the books, the television, the whatever it is that makes our hearts sing and brings ridicule from those around us.  Let us raise a glass and toast these… Continue reading Trash

We Need Your Help

About eight years ago my wife and I fell in love. Not with each other, that had already happened, but with this big fella. He was a rescue husky that we fell in love with at first sight. His name was Ranger and we didn't want to make it too hard for him to learn… Continue reading We Need Your Help

Drive-Ins and Us

There is something sad about this race toward the future that we seem bent on. And by we, I am in that group.  Hi, it’s me.  We all want convenience, we want what we want the moment we want it, and it seems we’re willing to pay more to get these things. There’s nothing necessarily… Continue reading Drive-Ins and Us

THE MOOR – movie review

There is something about the European moors that I am not sure Americans can fully understand. In its way, it’s like the American desert, a vast area where nothing human can really live (easily), which is unforgiving in its nature. What we can’t get is how vast and dangerous the moors are, in ways that… Continue reading THE MOOR – movie review

New Life – movie review

I had a pretty nice little lead-in for this review but I feel like it gives too much away and that the discovery is part of the wonders this movie has to offer. Sure, twists and mysteries, once learned, lose their novelty but they don’t necessarily lose their power. A film like NEW LIFE offers… Continue reading New Life – movie review

WITHOUT WARNING – found footage review

OK, OK, OK, this isn’t ‘found footage’ per se, let’s be clear, it’s closer to ‘mockumentary’ but slides over toward pseudo-news, like GHOSTWATCH and similar films. It’s a film that falls into a very small niche within a niche.  Oh, but label aside it’s so, so good.  Presented as an emergency cut-in from a national… Continue reading WITHOUT WARNING – found footage review

EYES IN THE DARK – found footage review

Another day, another found footage review. Hey, as long as people are looking, baby, so am I. So let’s look.  OH, hey, we’re looking at EYES IN THE DARK which sounds ominous but since you shouldn’t be able to SEE Most eyes in the dark it seems like that’s their problem not my problem. Unless… Continue reading EYES IN THE DARK – found footage review

WE ARE THE MISSING – found footage review

I am not sure if it’s refreshing that, with people putting their work on YouTube and other video-sharing platforms that there are more opportunities to get films out or if it shows how cutthroat the industry as a whole has become. While some filmmakers are shooting films with no greater desire than to have their… Continue reading WE ARE THE MISSING – found footage review

Bring on the Witch

If there’s a movie I reference a lot it’s THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT a film that, for me, nailed so much of what I love about movies. With an innovative marketing plan that stretched the bounds of the film past the screen and a deceptively easy premise, the film deserves the legendary status it (sorta)… Continue reading Bring on the Witch

HOME MOVIE – found footage review

I remember first seeing HOME MOVIE several years ago when I was first starting to get into found footage. A friend owned it and passed it on to me. I remember being shocked by it and intrigued. It was so different from BLAIR WITCH PROJECT but still fascinating.  Since it’s been many years I wanted… Continue reading HOME MOVIE – found footage review