The Blog Of Doom

Bring on the Witch

If there’s a movie I reference a lot it’s THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT a film that, for me, nailed so much of what I love about movies. With an innovative marketing plan that stretched the bounds of the film past the screen and a deceptively easy premise, the film deserves the legendary status it (sorta)… Continue reading Bring on the Witch

HOME MOVIE – found footage review

I remember first seeing HOME MOVIE several years ago when I was first starting to get into found footage. A friend owned it and passed it on to me. I remember being shocked by it and intrigued. It was so different from BLAIR WITCH PROJECT but still fascinating.  Since it’s been many years I wanted… Continue reading HOME MOVIE – found footage review

For the Children

In the charged socio-political climate everything is being weaponized by a very vocal minority.  THE CHILDREN! THE CHILDREN! THE CHILDREN!  They yell as if that both explains what they do and why. And if you dare to question them then you are said to be trying to corrupt these imaginary kids. We are living in… Continue reading For the Children

The Devil You Know

Looking at recent movie releases it’s clear that the devil is having a bit of a moment. Good for them. We all deserve our fifteen centuries of fame, don’t we? There’s something about the devil that is just an old standard at this point, a well that is returned to again and again for stories… Continue reading The Devil You Know


Thrillers are a darn fun genre, but not one is easy to crack. The ‘90s were filled with them after SE7EN and SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and there is always the occasional movie that breaks through and gets everyone’s attention on the genre again and we go through the cycle again. Serial killer thrillers have… Continue reading RESTORE POINT – review

THE BLAIR WITCH 2 – fan edit

Let me preface this by saying that I am not one to seek out 'fan edits'. To me, the movie that comes out is what was intended, or as close as we're apt to get. Movies evolve as they are made. Stories, change, focus changes, actors change, and the film goes through many different cuts… Continue reading THE BLAIR WITCH 2 – fan edit

So You Wanna Make a Found Footage Horror Film – Part 2 – Mocks and Docs

With the general found footage film rules out of the way I can now focus on the rules for the faux-documentary films/mockumentary films. The core rules are the same with both types of movies but there are a few specific ones that sit wholly with the faux-doc/mockumentary.  Now, these are not always horror as movies… Continue reading So You Wanna Make a Found Footage Horror Film – Part 2 – Mocks and Docs

So You Wanna Make a Found Footage Horror Movie?

It’s no secret that I love found-footage movies and after recently seeing someone’s post online asking for advice on what to do and not to do and it started the octopus moving in my brain and I thought I’d add my three cents to the whole thing.  Here’s the thing, the beauty of found footage… Continue reading So You Wanna Make a Found Footage Horror Movie?

Growing Out of It

It’s weird, isn’t it, when people drop their hands to their hips and then lecture you on something you love and how you need to ‘grow up’ and let it go. Funny because the first thing I have to do is cock my head and say - OH?  And what makes you the person to… Continue reading Growing Out of It

AFTER DEATH – documentary review

There are few questions in life that are as important and impactful as the question of what happens when we die. People spend theie whole lives in quest of that great truth never coming close to an answer they find suitable. Too many lose sight of their own lives in pursuit of an answer as… Continue reading AFTER DEATH – documentary review

RORSCHACH – found footage review

Well, crap. Color me shocked here because I just watched one of the best found footage movies I have seen in a minute and it's on YouTube. It flew in under the radar, though I vaguely recognized the name of it but I had never seen it and it never makes the core lists of… Continue reading RORSCHACH – found footage review

CASSETTE – found footage review

Since I watch so many found footage films I figured I'd go offroad a little for the next two reviews. I decided to see what YouTube had to offer. I am looking for feature films as there are far too many short form found footage pieces on there to try to go through. I adore… Continue reading CASSETTE – found footage review