Performance Art

It’s become a distant memory by now, something that’s nearing twenty years old but which still sticks with me.  I have never been the most confident of ‘performers’ when it comes to doing readings. I have said this in the past. I read very quickly and I’ll fumble around with words and the WORST is… Continue reading Performance Art

Buy My Books For As Low As .99Cents!

Curious about my books? Have a Kindle? Well then, all of my books are available on Kindle (save for Back from Nothing but that's WAY pre-Kindle so it's only in paperback...from me). Better - All of my story collections are .99 cents.  The novel is $5 but that's a behemoth. Best - If you have… Continue reading Buy My Books For As Low As .99Cents!

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark: Blackwood’s Guide to Dangerous Fairies – REVIEW

   EEE! I love books like this.  The strange tie in books you never hear about but which add a layer to another work, like a film.  I had a similar experience with the Blair Witch books that came out.  Books that created another layer of creep to an already scary story.  Here we have… Continue reading Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark: Blackwood’s Guide to Dangerous Fairies – REVIEW

Open Psyche

Can I tell you how hard it is for me to do open mic events? Seriously. What makes it funny though is that I read a story at the World Horror Con in NYC in front of strangers, peers, and famous writer-folk and managed not to faint but I STILL get all discombobulated when I… Continue reading Open Psyche