The Spooky Chris Podcast – A Conversation with Author Paul Counelis

In which I speak with author, filmmaker, musician, and all-around Halloween devotee Paul Counelis. Theme by Ross Grimson

All Hail Halloween

Last night I got to take my daughter out for her first real-live Halloween. We had taken her to the houses of family her first two, and that was fun, but this time it was the real deal.  And she loved.  And we loved it.  It reminded me of why Halloween is so important culturally… Continue reading All Hail Halloween

Halloween Horror Curated

Hey there, if you're like me and love Halloween then darn it, there's something just for you! This is a great magazine from and I have a piece in this issue about my favorite holiday and it's pretty rad. Some great folks and great articles in this one so give it a whirl, won't… Continue reading Halloween Horror Curated


**HERE THERE BE SPOILERS, MATEY!** In many ways, a lot of the horror fans of my age bracket and generation were raised on HALLOWEEN and the films of that era. HALLOWEEN you could catch on television around that holiday. Same with NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE was a little more elusive but… Continue reading HALLOWEEN – HALLOWEEN KILLS – HALLOWEEN ENDS – All This Trouble And Here We Are

Kindle Deals Just In Time For Halloween

Hey, it's Halloween, the best time of year, so I figured it was a fine time for sales. SALES! I dropped the price of five of my books on Kindle to just .99 cents for one week. From October 21st to October 28th you can pick up one of these creepers for just one buck.… Continue reading Kindle Deals Just In Time For Halloween

Perfect For A Halloween Shiver

Click HERE to order! When I released ARE WE MONSTERS last year it was definitely timed to be a Halloween release because it was a book of monsters, both human and otherwise. As a fan of Halloween I love writing stories that are about or around Halloween, and while this book doesn't really delve into… Continue reading Perfect For A Halloween Shiver

Creeping Your Way

As I am always up to something or other there's a new project I have been working on that I'll be unveiling in October. Something a little different. It's always good to stretch yourself and to experiment and that's what this is about. I'll talk a little more about it as we get into Haunt… Continue reading Creeping Your Way

BAD CANDY – review

              Boy howdy do I love Halloween. I also love anthology films. For some reason anthologies and Halloween seem to go hand in hand lately. I kinda dig that. Alas, with the release of TRICK ‘R’ TREAT it set the bar for Halloween Anthos pretty high and it changed the game. I give complete credit… Continue reading BAD CANDY – review