The Bookstore is Open

Along with the many blogs and reviews I write, I also write fiction. Throughout my writing, I have put out over 20 books ranging from horror to fantasy to mystery to children's books. There's something for nearly everyone. Check it out for yourself. You can also check out my podcast, which is well over… Continue reading The Bookstore is Open

E-Books for E-Minds

If you've poked around in my Haunted Bookstore you'll have seen that I have a LOT of books. I write. A lot. It's hard to know if you are comfortable investing in an author you've never read before though, and I get it. AS SUCH, I dropped the prices on my e-books. Take a chance… Continue reading E-Books for E-Minds

Found a Case – poem

I found a case upon my step,   It came from who knows where.  I found a case upon my step,  To open I do not dare.  A line of red ran down its side.  A pool formed underneath.  Covered in crimson, this light blue case,  Home to more than suits this space.  I found a… Continue reading Found a Case – poem

Re-live – a poem

Too many lonely nights I think of you.  I sit in the blackness of my mind and conjure you with dark magic.  I call you forth from yellowed memories, like photos in the sun.  You are less than a ghost, a memory of a memory, the feel of you like cobwebs along my skin.  The… Continue reading Re-live – a poem

First Snow – holiday story 2022

I offer you this late Christmas treat...something sour to the tongue and harsh on the digestion. If it was going to snow, it would have to come in the form of a miracle. She had been watching the weather forecasts on three different apps and two websites and it was clear sailing. This was going… Continue reading First Snow – holiday story 2022

Clever Little Bandicoot

I offer to you a response. A response to an HR form letter I received after applying for a job that didn't want a letter of introduction but just a resume. I hate HR departments. They are the same as any gate keeping arm of something - they want the easy way, the fast way,… Continue reading Clever Little Bandicoot

Buried In Clay – a poem

Ya know… I just hate to say I look towards the day Your body’s buried deep in the clay. It feels bad to think That I’ll raise up a drink To know it’s you not your behavior that stinks. In every act, word, and deed You begged of a need To feed your vast greed.… Continue reading Buried In Clay – a poem

Trash – a poem

The story. Of a family. Left by the side of the road. An inheritance of bags, of boxes, of the detritus of our lives. The pictures faded. The Bible torn. The memories rummaged through and scattered. A brand-new stuffed bear covered in rain and mud. The story. Of a family. Left by the side of… Continue reading Trash – a poem


With the release of the new book I thought I would share the opening. While it doesn't give you the full view of the strange world you will be entering it does give you an idea of where things get rolling. Things would be different if I were in charge. I assure you. And yes,… Continue reading RELIQUARY IN BLACK – sample

Man-Made-Meats – a tale

Consider this a golden oldie. I wrote this for a website I had a long, long, long time ago. Just me being weird. It has never made it into a book. Perhaps it will some day. It's just so darned weird. It was slated for an abandoned collection but maybe that collection shall rise again… Continue reading Man-Made-Meats – a tale

Alternate ROAD KILL beginning

I have said before that ROAD KILL started out as a long form story when I was a kid and have talked about my obsession with re-writing it after it was lost. Flash ahead a couple decades and I finally get back to writing it again and I started and stopped several times as I… Continue reading Alternate ROAD KILL beginning