FLASHBACK – The Meep Sheep Trilogy

When I first discovered the wonders of self-publishing - and yeah, I’ll say wonders, darn it because for folks like me that can’t get in with a traditional publisher it’s an amazing asset to be able to utilize to get your work out to the world - one of the big things I wanted to… Continue reading FLASHBACK – The Meep Sheep Trilogy


I love this book. It's so big, and sprawling, and weird, and I wanted to give it another push because not m any folks have gotten a chance to experience it. This is a passage from deep into the book, nearing the climax. This is our main character, PuerDi, the child of two celestial beings,… Continue reading Another RELIQUARY IN BLACK Sample

What Comes Next – blog

So, I write. A lot. I know, you’re shocked. SHOCKED! Since getting off of social media I have written a LOT more. I have the opportunity and I need to write because my head is just full, full, full of things and writing is the best way to get them out of myself. Blogging is… Continue reading What Comes Next – blog

Another Big Thing

I have officially completed the first draft of the next book, a dark thriller. This was not an intentional thing but once I got writing it just sorta kept doing its thing. I began it just under a month ago and, first draft finished, I have a book just under traditional novel length. We'll see… Continue reading Another Big Thing


With the release of the new book I thought I would share the opening. While it doesn't give you the full view of the strange world you will be entering it does give you an idea of where things get rolling. Things would be different if I were in charge. I assure you. And yes,… Continue reading RELIQUARY IN BLACK – sample

Reliquary In Black – a novel

I am thrilled to introduce my newest book - RELIQUARY IN BLACK. The new book is available on Kindle and as a paperback via Amazon. The book is a story about faith and finding one's place in a universe they don't understand. Unwanted in Heaven, seen as a freak in Hell, and nothing but an… Continue reading Reliquary In Black – a novel

ARE WE MONSTERS – new book release!

It's strange to me to look at the desktop of my laptop and see the folders there for books I am 'working' on and to say to myself - 'oh hey, that's done now'. It's a great feeling, but a strange one. Especially since now I have to go through and get rid of the… Continue reading ARE WE MONSTERS – new book release!

NEW BOOK – Be There/I Am Here

2020 was weird for all of us. Living in the age of Covid we all were doing the best we could to survive the isolation, the boredom, and the stress. Some became productive, some took the time to focus on themselves, some just survived. For me, I got super productive, as far as writing goes.… Continue reading NEW BOOK – Be There/I Am Here

My Newest Releases

For me, I feel weird if I am not creating in some way. The way my mind works is that I always have to have a creative project cooking or I get antsy. In all this though it's easy for me to forget that I have released three books in the last year. While the… Continue reading My Newest Releases