E-Books for E-Minds

If you've poked around in my Haunted Bookstore you'll have seen that I have a LOT of books. I write. A lot. It's hard to know if you are comfortable investing in an author you've never read before though, and I get it. AS SUCH, I dropped the prices on my e-books. Take a chance… Continue reading E-Books for E-Minds

Found a Case – poem

I found a case upon my step,   It came from who knows where.  I found a case upon my step,  To open I do not dare.  A line of red ran down its side.  A pool formed underneath.  Covered in crimson, this light blue case,  Home to more than suits this space.  I found a… Continue reading Found a Case – poem

A Shadow On The Violets – sample

A Shadow On the Violets is what is considered a 'cozy' mystery, in that there's no overt violence, no cursing, and no sexual situations, but there's still a whole lot of fun to be had. The book has death, intrigue, and a mystery to solve. While it's not similar to much anything else I have… Continue reading A Shadow On The Violets – sample

First Snow – holiday story 2022

I offer you this late Christmas treat...something sour to the tongue and harsh on the digestion. If it was going to snow, it would have to come in the form of a miracle. She had been watching the weather forecasts on three different apps and two websites and it was clear sailing. This was going… Continue reading First Snow – holiday story 2022

Terror Unimaginable

Along with reviewing found footage and all the other fun stuff I do, I also write books. If you're in the mood for a late year chill, or an early winter thrill, look no further friend. I have just what the demon ordered... https://spookychris.com/haunted-bookstore/

Kindle Deals Just In Time For Halloween

Hey, it's Halloween, the best time of year, so I figured it was a fine time for sales. SALES! I dropped the price of five of my books on Kindle to just .99 cents for one week. From October 21st to October 28th you can pick up one of these creepers for just one buck.… Continue reading Kindle Deals Just In Time For Halloween


Just a quick reminder that my newest book - THIS IS A DOOR - is out now on Kindle and in paperback. This is a collection of some of my photography from over the years from the creepy to the cute. Here are a couple outtakes from some of the photos. BUY HERE!

Picture Pages!

Here are some of the images from the past. Alternate cover photos for books, some shots from the shoot of I Am The Door, a promo image for an event, and the two books I received Honorable mention in for stories. One of the alternate shots from Roadkill cover. More Roadkill tries. Even MORE Roadkill.… Continue reading Picture Pages!


With the release of the new book I thought I would share the opening. While it doesn't give you the full view of the strange world you will be entering it does give you an idea of where things get rolling. Things would be different if I were in charge. I assure you. And yes,… Continue reading RELIQUARY IN BLACK – sample

ARE WE MONSTERS – new book release!

It's strange to me to look at the desktop of my laptop and see the folders there for books I am 'working' on and to say to myself - 'oh hey, that's done now'. It's a great feeling, but a strange one. Especially since now I have to go through and get rid of the… Continue reading ARE WE MONSTERS – new book release!

I Am The Door – Now Available Online

I have been lucky enough direct two short films over the past few years and I figured it was time to put them out for the world to see. I had been a little precious about them, in the hopes that they'd land in a film festival or that someone might buy them at an… Continue reading I Am The Door – Now Available Online

I Sailed A Ship – a poem

I wrote this poem a few weeks ago, suffering the usual inspiration of hearing something and getting it caught in my brain until I wrote a piece to exorcise it. Seems fitting for the season though. I Sailed A Ship I sailed a ship so grand and gray.    A ship so wide and tall.  I… Continue reading I Sailed A Ship – a poem